All posts by natalieziermann2014


If you use google search, google always autocompletes your searches. For example if i´m searching the word gender google suggests me gender mainstreaming.

In March the UN women Memac Ogilvy and Mather Dubai had the idea to use this Autocomplete Function to to reveal the widespread prevalence of sexism and discrimination against women. You can read here what they found out or just look at the picture.

UN-Women-Ad-1_495x700 jpg

To summarize it: the searches were full of sexism and stereotypes. You can try it by yourself. Just search women should.

For the UN women this findings were shocking but also confirmed the need to fight for womens rights. If you want to join the conversation on twitter you can use the hashtag #womenshould.

You can also watch a good video called the  Autocomplete Truth on You Tube, made by Memac Ogilvy and Mather Dubai.

to reveal the widespread prevalence of sexism and discrimination against women. – See more at:
Memac Ogilvy & Mather Dubai,
Memac Ogilvy & Mather Dubai,

The everyday sexism project

The everyday sexism project was launched by british journalist and feminist writer Laura Bates in 2012. One year later the site had collected 25,000 entries from 15 countries.

The website is a platform for women to share their stories about everyday sexism. You can simply upload your experiences (if you want of course anonymous). By sharing the stories women show that everyday sexism still exists. They share their stories of everyday sexism, from wolf whistles in the street to sexual harassment in the workplace, even stories of rape.

The project started in the UK but spreaded to 18 other countries (for example South Africa, Brasil or Austria).You can also follow the project on Twitter at @EverydaySexism.

I’m not a feminist…

10 days ago people all over the world celebrated the world women’s day. As every year I had a discussion with some of my friends if this day is necessary or not. And as every year I told them “yes it’s really necessary because there is so much gender inequality (like different wages, violence against women and so on) in every country”.

And what happens now proves me right. First example: The Austrian Standards Institute (ON) proposes that we shouldn’t”gender” anymore in texts. They say that a so called general clause which explains that all references to the male gender shall be deemed and construed to include the female gender is enough. For more information and a petition against this idea you can have a look on this website:

The second example is a campaign of the Young Alternatives for Germany (Junge AfD). The campaign is called I’m not a feminist because… Men and women holding up signs in order to tell people why they aren’t feminists. For example: I’m not a feminist because family is more important than career and I want to stop the “Genderwahn”. You can see some of these pictures on this site:

I think these are good examples why a world women’s day is still necessary and why we still have to fight for gender equality.